Alaska Agriculture

Growing Corn in Alaska is not for the faint of heart.

Growing Corn in Alaska

We get a lot of questions about growing corn in Alaska, so we took a second to sit down with farmer Carol Kenley who owns and operates Kenley’s Alaskan Vegetables and Flowers.  Carol, along with her mother June, has been … Read More

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Farming in Alaska

What You Need to Know About Farming in Alaska

Have you ever idly considered farming in Alaska. It can be easy to dream about tilling virgin soils with mountains towering over the background and fresh creek water coming from fresh snow melt. The truth, however, is not as pretty … Read More

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The Alaska Farmland Trust saving farmland in the Matanuska Valley, protected a 40 acre hayfield near downtown Palmer, Ak

Alaska Farmland Trust: Saving Farmland, One Acre at a Time

Saving Farmland: An Important Alaskan Resource At Alaska Farm Tours, we are proud to support and promote the work of the Alaska Farmland Trust as they are working on saving farmland in Alaska. Established in 2005, the Alaska Farmland Trust … Read More

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Why My Heart Belongs to Alaska Agriculture

This January marks the sixth year anniversary of when I started working for the Alaska Farmland Trust, the local Alaska land trust dedicated to protecting Alaska’s agricultural land. I was 23, full of ideals, and passionate about agriculture. I also, … Read More

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