Our Commitment to Sustainability
What does ‘Sustainable Tourism’ mean to Alaska Farm Tours?
The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as:
“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities”
At Alaska Farm Tours, we try to embody this philosophy in all of our operations and commitments to our local communities by:
Working solely with Alaska businesses to support our tours including using locally owned restaurants, caterers, printers, transportation providers, and farms.
Hiring only local Alaskans with a background in farming, gardening and/or education.
Donating to local organizations that support the tourism and farming communities in the locations we provide tours.
Participating in local organizations through board membership, donations, and community volunteerism.
Encouraging all our customers to purchase local products and produce made and grown by Alaskans.
Reducing waste by encouraging our food vendors to use reusable or recyclable products when providing food for our tours.
We strive every year to improve our sustainability. If you have suggestions, please let us know how we can work to help grow our local communities in Alaska while keeping in mind that our sustainability and commitment to the environment help keep Alaska beautiful.